I though coming here was the best place to find out: Thanks in advance for any info, I'd sure love to just install Windows 11 while I'm doing the rest of my upgrade *Wink Here's a snip of the healthcheck, and on it, it mentions finding out what I can do to get 11 to work with my PC. I haven't priced a CPU yet, but it's a biggy I know *Wink I am not sure about putting one in either. If anyone wants to help me with this, I'd appreciate it. I do understand newer computers come out every year though, and it's my CPU that isn't capable according to health-check. I was surprised as my PC isn't that old (2018):ĪMD Radeon RX 550, 8GB RAM, 1TB hard drive, Windows 10 (today I'll put in the SSD, and the RAM is now 16 GB) I'll link the report from Windows PC Healthcheck that I took this a.m. So I wanted to go ahead and update to Window 11. I am upgrading my RAM and adding an SSD drive to my Gaming PC, see here if interested. but I want to get some 2nd opinions (or 3, 4, 5 *cry )because I really love what I heard about the changes in 11. Windows 11, Health Check says my PC isn't compatible.